Much has happened since I've last written - 5 months have passed, some parts quickly and others slowly (such is the way of life), but overall it doesn't seem like it's been that long. I am going to attempt to pick up blogging again - I do miss it - and will eventually share some of what's happened over the past few months. Experiences that have shaped me, ones that have affirmed me, ones that have connected me to others, and ones that have grounded me in God. Some of it is worth sharing, some of it is better shared in other places... and some of it, I must admit, likely is only important to me.
For now, I'm enjoying time in Black Mountain, NC at Christmount (our denomination's retreat center). I enjoy the mountains - perhaps more so than I enjoy the beach. I think this Florida girl is starved for color - even though the trees are just beginning to bud here, the area seems awash in color. So many shades of red and of green and of brown. It is a feast for my eyes - and I feel as if I am literally drinking it in. The dogwoods are just in bloom - I think they're among my favorites. The white is vivid against the brown of the bark and the green of other foliage - beautiful. And I saw pink-blossomed dogwoods. I didn't know dogwoods were anything but white. A deep almost mauve color - fabulous. Wish I could show you a picture, but I forgot my camera (shoot, pun intended).
I enjoy the pace here - unhurried. Likely it's my attitude that's different, and if I lived here I'd likely not be the same... but it's nice to feel that I have plenty of time for everything I "need" to do and all that I "want" to do as well. ... So I'm going to go sit on the porch rocker - it's only 59 degrees and the rain has stopped for now - and I'll work some more on the crochet shawl I'm making.
Blessings and peace.
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