April 27, 2008

Sunday's Prayer

God of grace and truth, we gather in your presence this day singing words of praise – you alone are worthy of the praises we bring. You, who created the heavens and the earth, and yet are mindful of us. You know the hairs on our heads; and hold each of us in the palm of your love – and so we join as one in love of you. Hold us close in your presence this day so that we will know that you are Love.

God of faith, through your Spirit is life and peace. In the form of Jesus Christ, you have come to show us who you are. You have shown us that you are a God of grace; a God of peace; a God of truth. We are your children and we know you love us. We have life in you, because your Spirit is within us…

So be with us. Search our hearts and know our ways. Fill our very lives with you – fill us with your presence so that our souls overflow onto everyone we meet. Help us to remember that, no matter our circumstances, we are more than conquerors because of the love that Jesus has for us. Jesus, who gave himself for us, gave us a glimpse of who you are. Jesus, who died so that we might understand how to live – lives and walks with us still today. So help us to live and to do the work of Jesus who calls us into the world. Help us to know that you ask of us only one thing – to share your sacred word with a broken and hurting world so that they too might know the peace that only you can bring into our lives.

And may the peace of Jesus Christ be with each of us, this day and evermore. Amen.

April 19, 2008

Sunday's Prayer

God of grace and truth, we come before you with hungry hearts – hearts that long to find rest our place you. We gather this day to praise you, for you are God and we are your people. You have given us every good thing – food to nourish our bodies, beauty to nourish our spirits, and your Holy Spirit to nourish our souls. There is nothing good which does not come from you – and we give all honor to you this day.

Through Christ’s love we have been reconciled to you. Jesus has shown us how to love you, so that we might love you with our whole hearts …and we know that the love you call forth in us is as much about our neighbor as it is about you. So help us – help us to be your hands and your feet in this place; help us to be love in all that we say and in all that we do. …Show us how to respond to anger with love; how to respond to fear with love – each action we make is a choice, so help us to choose your loving way.

Lord God, we know through Jesus that we are called to take up our cross. Just as Simon the Cyrene did – we, too, are called to carry our cross; to bear our responsibilities for one another and for this world; to serve where there is a need that you have called us to fulfill. May we each rise to the call of your voice, emboldened by the example of Jesus, and strengthened by your Holy Spirit and our fellowship with one another. And may we know that our loving and our serving help bring healing through your grace.

Your constant presence with us, your steadfast loving of us brings joy to our hearts and purpose to our living. So may all our living be in the way of Jesus Christ.


April 12, 2008

Sunday's Prayer

Lord God, Father of Jesus the Christ, we give you thanks this day and always for the steadfast love which you are. You have revealed your Self to us in Jesus – and we are humbled at the grace you share with us. What are we that you are mindful of us – and yet you have promised to be with us on this journey of life; you have promised to be with us on this journey of faith, always. So, we give all glory and honor to you alone.

Lord God, we know that you are the Great Physician. You care not only about our physical ills, but about our spiritual ones as well. So, bring healing now where there is need. Bring strength – bring comfort – bring healing and renewing love in equal measure. Pour them out upon your children so that we might be restored to you. Pour out your grace and your love, not just in this place, but where ever there is need – so that all creatures might come to know that you are God, and that you are a God of mercy and love.

Show us this day how you would have us live and love. Show us the step that we are to take today – and help us know that you walk with us always. May we live trusting that you will be with us tomorrow to help us take the next step and the one after that. Help us experience and live this day as you have given it to us – knowing that tomorrow will come in good time. Help us walk close to you so that we may be filled with your love and your grace – sharing both with everyone we meet.

God of our spiritual parents – God of Abraham and Isaac, God of Ruth and Mary – you are a faithful God. Teach us to walk by faith in you and not by what we see in this world. Through your Holy Spirit come wisdom and strength, that will renew and sustain us this day and always.

Hear the prayers of our hearts this day – we pray in the name and in the way of Jesus, the Christ. Amen.