So you may think I’m a little nuts – if so, you won’t be the first! – but I truly enjoy spending time with teenagers, even with pre-teens. We have been seeking a way to offer our annual Pastor’s Class (baptism/membership class) in a format that works for the life-situations of our families and youth. This year I’m trying a lock-in with a follow-up class later in the week. Our lock-in was this weekend – so my husband (dear, dear man) and I spent Friday night and part of today with some of our middle school youth… I had a good time – and to all reports, the kids did, too. We talked about God and faith and life, and we played and ate and watched a movie. Yes, I’m a bit tired – staying up most of the night will do that to you! – but I’m reved, too. I am blessed to be used to create space for kids to talk about their experiences of God, to be vulnerable and share portions of their story, to be together and be silly and goofy and try new things, and simply to be allowed to journey with them for as long as we are together.
God is good – and this weekend my soul has been fed.
What feeds your soul?
It is the same with me except that I get that same revving up, that sense of purpose from spending time in the company of older folks. Isn't it amazing how God plants just the right seeds of love and care in each of our hearts to ensure that all of His sheep are tended to? The lamb and the foal and the doddering ewe each receive the care that they need. God is good.
That's awesome!
While working with youth is what feeds and revs your soul, I think the general feeling of helping others is what keeps me going.
I don't know why or how, but whenever I am able to do something for someone, whether it is because they asked or they are in need, I get this urge and sudden willingness to go out and give it all I got. It's the same feeling I get when I go to workcamp and it's the same feeling I get when I volunteer at the food pantry at church.
Simply put, I really enjoy helping others :]
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