February 19, 2008

I'll pray for you...

Mark has a friend at work who was diagnosed with stomach cancer several months ago.  He's in his early 30's, married with kids.  I cannot imagine what that diagnosis, what living with this illness has done/ is doing to them.

The folks that work with him decided they wanted to show their support in a tangible way, so they purchased American Cancer Society bracelets to wear while he undergoes chemo treatments.  For the past several months now I have been wearing one of them.  For me it serves as my reminder every day and throughout the day to pray for him - pray for healing, for strength, for comfort - and to pray for others who are in need of healing as well.
I must confess that I like to change the jewelry I wear - I rarely wear the same thing for so long a period... and one day, after about a month, I didn't want to put the bracelet on - "I'm tired of wearing it" was my thought... followed by "just like he's tired of having cancer?"... I felt somewhat ashamed that my commitment to praying for another was something that I'd stop doing over such a trivial matter - which is what would happen without my daily reminder...

When you tell someone "I'll pray for you", do you?  Do you pray just once, or do you continue to pray for them as long as you know they are continuing to deal with their problem?

What would you like others to pray for you about?


Anonymous said...

Suz, more and more I hear sad news from so many about cancer and illness. I'm glad Mark and his workmates are displaying a visible sign of their prayers for their friend.

You ask about praying for someone, remembering to pray, etc. I have a prayer list where I write down names (my deteriorating memory you know) and I try to make the list part of daily devotions. But I am never sure when to remove people because all of us need prayer. The need never goes away. So the list grows longer. I remember Grandma Maxine once saying her prayer list can keep her awake for a very long time. Maybe that's one of the joys of prayer for others. It keeps us awake to God's presence and comfort in our own lives as we call on Her to sustain us all.


suzanne said...

Interesting, as much as I am a list person for so many other things in life, I don't keep a prayer list. I suspect as my "deteriorating memory" grows, it would be a good practice to get into. :)
Yes, the needs of life never do go away - so I suspect it is difficult to "remove" someone from your list. I wonder, do you follow-up with folks on your list to see if prayers for specific things are answered? Just curious.
I, too, have found that prayer for others keeps me open to God's presence in my own life. I find, as well, that often I am the one most changed by my prayers - regardless of who they are "for"...