February 20, 2008

Young leaders

I think, as a church, we get it.  We get the fact that the children (of all ages) are not the leaders of tomorrow – but are leaders today in their own right!  I love this church family!  My heart swells with love and pride to see how you honor and respect each child as a person for the gifts and abilities they have now.

Youth Sunday – you know, the Sunday where the kids get to ‘do it all’ – is not as difficult in preparing for as it may be in others places (I say this now as we are on the final 3 day count down)... Because all year long our youth are given the opportunity to read Scripture, lead worship, offer prayers, share their musical gifts, serve others.  The adults ‘in charge’ offer this on a regular basis, intentionally and consistently.  So when it comes time for the kids to take charge of the whole shebang, there’s a lot less prep than you might think.  That means we get to spend time focusing at a deeper level on the meaning of worship – what’s the message, what’s the purpose, how will we accomplish that, etc. Sure, they like different music – wasn’t our music ‘different’ when we were young?  And sure, they want to use it in worship, share it with the adults in their lives hoping you find God in it the way they do – didn’t we want that when we were younger?  Maybe, if you listen closely, you’ll hear a voice in your heart singing:

"And you’ve won my heart/ yes, you’ve won my heart./ Now I can trade these ashes in for beauty/ and wear forgiveness like a crown./ Coming to kiss the feet of mercy/ I lay every burden down/ at the foot of the cross."           ...isn’t that what we’d all like for our children - wearing forgiveness, laying every burden down?  ...isn’t that what we’d all like for ourselves?

If our young people seem confident and capable, that’s because they are.  In part, because they have been gifted with wonderful skills.  And in part, because the adults in their lives (including their church family) support and believe in them, and honor their gifts on a daily basis.  I love this church family.  You are awesome!

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