For me, the past several weeks seem to have moved quickly. How are you doing?
Times of transition can sometimes be upsetting times – with the changes that have happened and the ones that are on the horizon. But they can also be wonderful times of growth and opportunities for discernment of God’s vision – for ourselves as individuals and for the congregation as we embrace all that God is calling us to become.
I have witnessed some wonderful things happening at Riverside these past few weeks – signs of faithfulness in the life of our Body of Christ; signs of God at work in our lives. Such as, the wonderful leadership we have in worship each Sunday. How great it is to have new voices sharing prayers and testimony with us each week. Such as, more than 70 people participating in our all-church study. What a wonderful sign of commitment to God, church, and our personal spiritual growth. Such as, a Saturday evening worship service that continues to inspire us with God’s presence. Such as, a new Sunday morning prayer group – members who are living out their commitment to pray for the church and its mission. Such as, a new evening women’s group that supports and encourages the relationships and the spiritual growth of the women of Riverside.
God’s call to each of us is constant. And during times of transition, it’s important to continue to be faithful to the call of God in our lives – as individuals and as the Body of Christ. It’s important that we are each faithful in our worship participation. Weekly worship is the primary way we come together as a whole Body of Christ for nurture, growth, support and praise. It’s important that we are each faithful in our stewardship. God’s call to mission continues through our ministry in this place. So it’s important that we continue to be faithful in our tithing, and in the sharing of our time and our talents in service to God.
Remember always that the One who calls you is faithful and he will do all that he has promised.
God’s steadfast love endures forever; God’s faithfulness to all generations. (Psalm 100:5)
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