May 22, 2015

thoughts on life's journey

A group I belong to recently put out this request: We are in graduation season around the country. What words would you share with folks entering the field of educational ministry in 2015?

Here are the thoughts I shared. They are words I try to live by. Ideals which I believe are true regardless of any vocation.

Make your own health and inner life a priority. Tend to it first and often. It is true you cannot share deeply from the well of your own soul when your well is running dry. Learn what helps you touch the place where the Holy dwells within you and then commit to doing that on a regular basis. Find what helps your soul rest in the Holy when life is chaotic and do it daily, for this will enable you to live centered in God in the moments of your days. This will enable you to share grace and love, mercy and peace with others. This will help you see the image of God in the face of the other.

Don't neglect your service to the world. If your life circumstances inhibit you serving from your deepest passion in your vocational setting, then make time to do so elsewhere. When our passion and giftedness touch the world, healing is found, new life happens - in the world and within ourselves.

Make time for creative activities, whether painting or music, decorating or gardening, fiber arts or ... We are creative beings, all of us. Be open to trying new things, for in them you open yourself to God in new ways. In them you uncover parts of yourself, changing how you understand God and how you see the world.

Living this way, connected to the space where the inner and outer worlds intertwine, will teach of God's love and grace more profoundly than any program or ministry you will create.

What would you share? What ideals do you strive to live by?

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